We (Manchester Workmanship and Applied Craft (a.k.a MWAC [muh-wak]), do our best work when involved from the very beginning. It seems to us that being able to make good decisions in the design process helps the construction flow more smoothly and avoids more of the surprises (not all, come on, this is one of the larger, more complex things we as humans undertake). We are human after all.
In all this we are seeking to provide the space for your life to be written or lived out, we like making cool pictures but mostly we like helping people discover the lives they could lead. If that sounds too philosophical to you we also like making sure bathrooms have doors and stuff, you know the basics. House renovations of structures of all ages are welcome to apply, seriously the older and weirder the better. Naturally commercial and institutions can come along too, we love helping as many people as possible.
About Geordie
I studied Architecture at the University of Waterloo and went to Willowbank School of restoration arts while working in both Architecture Firms and in the Construction Industry. Just cleaning up construction sites, Cedar and copper roofing, timber framing, Drafting hospitals and large heritage projects, honestly this isn’t a resume you get the idea. My background in all these various (honestly too many) things led some friends to ask me to start my business, they realized before I did that my talents lay between all these things as a problem solver. Making meaning in the world brings me joy and even when it doesn’t it’s very nice to have things come together and get clean at the end of the day (or year, some projects take time).